How to Ѕtау Неаlthу Тhіs Summеr

Summer has arrived and so has its effects. Here are 5 tips to taking care of our health this season:

1) Sun Protection

The sun does provide many health benefits, however, too much exposure to its ultraviolet rays can be detrimental to our skin causing sunburns, wrinkles, premature aging, and skin cancer. It is vital to wear sunscreen in the summer to prevent overexposure. Skin care specialists recommend a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 30.

2) Stay Hydrated

Heat and sweat in the summer months can leave your body dehydrated, so it is vital to make sure you are consuming water when temperatures rise. It is difficult to recommend the specific amount of water since everybody is different. One liter of fluid per hour is about as much as we can absorb through the gut, so that is about the maximum amount one should drink per hour. If you are getting enough water, your urine should be colorless or light yellow.

3) Get outside and stay active during cooler parts of the day

It can get hot during the day, which in turn makes people want to stay inside underneath the air conditioning. The early morning and late evening can be perfect times to get outdoors and take a stroll in the summer months when it is nice and cool.

4) Protect against insects

Bites and stings can lead to allergic reactions and infections. Insects that sting/bite during the summer include bees, wasps, hornets, and mosquitoes. Have a repellent that best suits you, avoid using too much fragrance floral prints or dark colors, and contact pest control to deal with any bug infestations.

5) Protect yourself from wounds and injuries

Due to the increase in physical activity during the summer months, chances of sustaining injuries increase. One of the key health tips to prevent injuries is to wear the proper protective equipment. Also, remember to keep a first aid kit or any other ointments ready while doing outdoor activities.

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